"The deaths of Prince, Tom Petty, Heath Ledger, and Michelle McNamara haven’t galvanized attention to the prescription drug crisis"
On/Off Broadway Performers Injured Face Early Exits From Opioid Addiction
This Past Decade More Than 225 On & Off-Broadway Equity Actors Exited Their Stages Permanently After Sustaining Injuries---Not Because They Did Not Recover From Those Injuries But Because They Did Not Recover From The Opioid's Prescribed To Them For Their Pain From Their Injuries.
Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus R. Vance, Jr. fearlessly fights the war on opioids. "This is ultimately about saving lives"
"This is about saving lives, reducing criminalization, and improving public health" -Mayor Bill de Blasio
Top 10 Side Effects Of The Acquired Opioid Lifestyle
Holistic Care models are trending as effective addiction treatment programs
Lionheart Talent Group Friend Attorney General Josh Stein Is A Holistic Healthcare Advocate & Won't Back Down. Lionhearted Holistic Healthcare Advocate Attorney General Josh Stein has aggressive strategies and programs to fight America's Opioid epidemic:"There are more effective, safer and less dangerous ways of treating most kinds of pain. Fentanyl is killing more and more people. It also killed Prince and Tom Petty.”
---Josh Stein Attorney General Holistic Care models are trending as effective addiction treatment programs that take a “whole person” approach to treatment rather than focusing on the “symptoms” of addiction. "The SusTus Holistic Healthcare Group supports and defends the National Institute on Drug Abuse's position that what is preferred is a holistic care model for effective addiction treatment programs and to take a “whole person” approach to treatment rather than focusing on the “symptoms” of addiction.
Don’t Call Her a Victim: After Surviving Opioids, The Planets Best Photographer Of The Human Condition Nan Goldin Goes After the Makers Over the course of a decades-long career, Ms. Goldin has pushed the medium of photography to be more honest about the human condition. She has documented domestic violence — including her own battering at the hands of a boyfriend — as well as the scourge of H.I.V. and the death of close friends. But she called withdrawal from OxyContin the darkest time of her life.--By The NY Times COLIN MOYNIHAN
10 Years After Heath Ledger’s Death, The Opioid Epidemic Rages On And With No Hollywood Ending.The Same Deadly Fix, Just Cheaper...Cops and paramedics and judges and drug counselors are overwhelmed. The painkiller epidemic and the heroin epidemic are one and the same. By John Temple at the Huffington Post.
A Brief, Blood-Boiling History of the Opioid Epidemic From OxyContin coupons to fentanyl-laced heroin, this is how the crisis unfolded... 1995: The American Pain Society promotes the “Pain Is the Fifth Vital Sign” standard, urging doctors to monitor pain along with pulse, breathing, blood pressure, and temperature. Purdue Pharma is one of 28 corporate donors. 1996: Purdue Pharma debuts OxyContin with the most aggressive marketing campaign in pharmaceutical history, downplaying its addictiveness. Over the next five years, the number of opioid painkiller prescriptions jumps by 44 million. 2004: With input from a Purdue exec, the Federation of State Medical Boards recommends sanctions against doctors who undertreat pain. 2012: Health care providers write 259 million opioid painkiller prescriptions—nearly enough for every American to have a bottle of pills. The increasingly white face of addiction changes how policymakers frame the problem, from a moral failing necessitating prison time to a disease requiring treatment. 2016: An estimated 64,000 Americans die of drug overdoses—more than all US military casualties in the Vietnam and Iraq wars combined. In December, Congress passes legislation allotting $1 billion to fund opioid addiction treatment and prevention efforts over two years Read more from Mother Jones Author Julia Laurie
Filmmaker Elaine McMillion Sheldon's Netflix Documentary “Heroin(e)
Celebrities Addicted To Oxycontin---Celebrity and entertainment industry drug addicts are nothing new, there's always someone that's going to rehab for some addiction or another. But now these celebrities and entertainment industry professional are not addicted to just any drug, they are addicted to Oxycontin- an oral dose pill form. The pill is supposedly time released in order to block pain for 24 hours and help lower dependency, but that didn't work out so well for over 500,000 Americans the last few years who died by self overdosing. Jamie Lee Curtis, Eminen Matthew Perry...the list goes on and on of the survivors for the celebrities addicted to opiates, and there's a long road to recovery ahead. Some veer off the road to recovery and crash, burn and die.
Article by Ranker's John Barryman
Ohio’s Otterbein Has One Of, If Not The Best, BFA Musical Theater Program In The Country. Double the entire undergraduate population at Otterbein University, more than 4,300 Ohioans died of opioid drug overdoses in 2016. As states and the nation continue to grapple with a deadly opioid epidemic, higher education institutions are.
-Article Written By Columbia's Ariel Hurley
Why Wall Street Stays Silent About Its Opioid Epidemic.
"Why aren’t more professionals seeking help? The fear of losing their clients and jobs, the fear of stigma and shame and the lack of information on how to handle treatment while abiding by their professional standards and ethics among peers....” -By Gregory Bresiger NY POST
The Bronx’s Quiet, Brutal War With Opioids
"On Bronx streets, the epidemic’s devastation is next door, down the street, all around..." Written by JOSE A. DELREAl NY TIMES
The Scourge Of Opioids And Heroin Has Reached Disastrous Proportions In Pennsylvania.With opioids killing more people than any other health crisis in Pennsylvania's modern history, Gov. Tom Wolf on Wednesday declared a disaster emergency that suspends regulations hindering access to addiction care.
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