Fiddler on the Roof Explores Return To Tradition and It's Compromisetechnologies designed to refine our souls and boost our readiness to do what's right- TRADITIONALLY.Imagine a new child taking his first steps in front of the proud parents. He gets to his feet, takes a few steps ― and falls flat on his face. The parents clap with excitement and joy. But if you analyze the scenario, shouldn't the parents be upset? After all, the child fell down!
The answer is obvious. A parent doesn't judge a child based on whether he walks or falls, but rather on whether he took a few steps in the right direction. Returning means going back to somewhere you've been, somewhere familiar. "The benefit of compromise — and the reason to explore where and to what extent it should apply — is that it forces one to improve, update, and appreciate one’s position without destroying the good in it. Change is not just necessary. It’s inevitable." THE NATIONAL REVIEW L‑rd who made the lion and the lamb You decreed I should be what I am Would it spoil some vast eternal plan If I were a wealthy man? Comments are closed.